Le Maupas A.R.

Artists Residency for ceramic art & design


Fairy circle Initiated by commune de Sussey/Le Maupas. Made with the help of the inhabitants and the school of the village. (Photo: Iet Kortschot) 

Fairy circle Initiated by commune de Sussey/Le Maupas. Made with the help of the inhabitants and the school of the village. (Photo: Stephanie Chenal-Wheeler) 

Fairy circle Initiated by commune de Sussey/Le Maupas. Made with the help of the inhabitants and the school of the village. (Photo: Frederic Chenal) 

Fairy circle Initiated by commune de Sussey/Le Maupas. Made with the help of the inhabitants and the school of the village. (Photo: Linda Viandier) 

Fairy circle Initiated by commune de Sussey/Le Maupas. Made with the help of the inhabitants and the school of the village. (Photo: Mark van de Net) 

Glaze Lab Amsterdam

In Amsterdam, we established our glaze lab. You are welcome to research glaze-clay compositions (with us) prior to the residence period in Le Maupas. Furthermore courses in glaze development for advanced ceramist will be held.
Contact Iet Kortschot for more information: mail@lemaupas.eu

b Amsterdam more information: mai